Mastering the Art of Coffee Brewing: Tips and Tricks

Are you diving into the wonderful world of coffee brewing? Whether you're an expert home barista or just beginning your coffee journey, we've got some tips and tricks to help you brew the perfect cup.

  1. Choose the Right Grind Size:

    This plays a crucial role in extraction and flavour. You can experiment with different grind sizes to find the perfect balance for your preferred brewing method. However, keep in mind that finer grinds are typically used for espresso, while coarser grinds are better suited for methods like French press or cold brew. (If you don't have a grinder at home, we offer the option to grind the beans for you).

  2. Mind Your Water Temperature:

    Temperature can make or break your coffee's flavour profile. For most brewing methods, aim for water between 195°F and 205°F (90°C to 96°C). Boiling water can scorch the coffee grounds, resulting in a bitter taste, while water that's too cold won't extract enough flavour.

  3. Practice Consistent Brewing Ratios:

    The golden ratio for brewing coffee is generally considered to be around 1:16 (coffee to water ratio). However, feel free to adjust this ratio based on your personal preferences. Using a kitchen scale to measure your coffee and water can help ensure consistency and repeatability in your brewing process.

4. Master Your Pouring Technique:

If you're using pour-over methods like V60 or Chemex, mastering your pouring technique is essential. Aim for a slow and steady pour, making sure to get wet through all the coffee grounds evenly. This helps to extract the full flavour potential of the beans and ensures a uniform extraction.

5. Experiment with Brewing Time:

Brewing time can have a significant impact on your coffee's taste and strength. Play around with different brewing times to find the perfect balance for your palate. Remember, shorter brewing times tend to result in a brighter, more acidic cup, while longer brewing times can produce a fuller-bodied, richer flavour profile.

We hope these tips help elevate your coffee brewing experience.

Happy Brewing!